Clear and Smart Technical Writing

Clear and Smart Technical Writing, CaST Writing for short, is a modern workflow to draft technical documents based on different free software components such as Markdown and Atom.

Screenshot Atom Editor with One Light Theme and Syntax and font Fira Code (16px)

Principle Features

  • clear minimalistic interface
  • clear writing tooltips
  • document versioning (version control)
  • track changes (differences between versions)
  • merging of diverging versions
  • concurrent editing (similar to Google Docs)
  • offline support and multi-device support
  • platform independent (for Windows, Mac and Linux)
  • reference management (citations)

Workflow in Brief

Text in structured Markdown syntax is written in the Atom editor and stored in simple plain-text Markdown files. These files are versioned using Git and converted to the desired output format using the tool Pandoc.


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